Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Still I Rise

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Source: From 'And Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou.

Friday, June 23, 2017

What's Cookin' Doc?

Hello there, all you lovely people! Been a while I put my thoughts together out here and this beautiful Saturday morning in Namma Bengaluru just gave me the required inspiration to do so!

In the beginning of this New Year (2017) I came across a very interesting read on how Numerology works and when the numbers of 2017 get added up as 2+0+1+7 = 10 and this is basically 1+0= 1.
So in short the year adds up to being number 1 and hence it has been called 'The Year of Beginnings.' 

6 months down 2017 and I am penning some of the most life changing decisions I have made this year. Coincidentally I have had some really interesting and positive beginnings.

For most twenty somethings its difficult to figure where life is headed and what they are making of their lives. It's been 9 years now, since I moved out of my hometown, making through the regular academia and deciding options on what's probably best for my career. I was always called a rebellious kid, possibly because I fiercely disagreed on things I was not convinced on. I chose to make a career of something I enjoy doing - Communicating. In time I realized I can get myself to be social around anyone, easily and hence I wanted to be part of a world where expressing the right thing at the right time made all the difference. I thrive on ideating, networking and exploring new avenues in storytelling. In January this year, I made a major career shift from a Corp Comm. role and went back to joining the agency side of the the comms fraternity. The Best Part - I am currently working with the world's number one Communications Firm, which has an unparalleled credible reputation for what they do. My work gives me the freedom to try something different and allows me the required support for it as well. 

For someone like me who led an overprotective life back in my small hometown, it was initially quite intimidating to live by myself, without my family, chasing new dreams in new cities, taking care of the basics, being away from family and getting on with life. But then life is what you allow to happen to you, what you allow to affect you and how you deal with it. I wear my heart on my sleeve and quite a few times I encountered situations which shook me up. However all these situations only gave me another perspective to think from and opened a side to me I never knew existed. I am blessed by the One above truly and the wishes of my family and loved ones keeps me going when things get tough. 

When I was approaching the so called marriageable age, my parents decided to understand my plans of settling down. They wanted me to settle down with someone within my own community to help me be comfortable within a similar culture of lifestyle. North Indians take extreme pride in ensuring that a Punjabi Kudi settles down with the Punjabi Munda. And me being me, always landing in some twisted phase, decided to get adventurous about this phase of my life as well, the worst thing was that I had  not decided a Plan B for this. It was an All or Nothing affair - quite literally. I was seeing someone then who though was from my hometown happened to be a South Indian and you can only imagine the hell that broke loose after I told the folks at home about this. But we weren't ready to give up on each other and after some great teamwork by me and my boy, our folks gave us the green signal. We got engaged this year and I am only counting days now to get married to the love of my life. This would make an interesting story to tell our kids eh? Yeh we feel the same way!

What a year this has been so far! 'The Year of Beginnings' has been absolutely  great and I can barely wait to see what the second half of the year has in store! I hope all of you reading this have a great year as well. 

Lots of love, S.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Labyrinth called Adulthood

I am amazed at how much the human mind is capable to stretch its confines and truly we ourselves are our own source of peace and dissonance. On an another related note, I have also observed how some of us are able to sort out glaring issues for friends, well-wishers and the like easily and well very practically. What baffles me is when as individuals we get stuck in between our very own choices and emotions become the ruling factor. It also makes these issues uncomfortably indispensable when we find ourselves addressing these very choices as being 'Grown Ups' or how our society expects us to handle things. Hey I am sure we all got a one shot at this growing up phase! So how come some got it right while the rest went into deep introspection and then BOOM a reality check made its way though the other relatively crazy lot. Shockers anyone? Spoiler alert: Welcome to Life. 

Also while we are in this stretch of adulthood, it magically happens that we reach this whole new 'Marriageable Age' phase. Trust me you are possibly in the craziest lap of your lives by this time, you have a career to look at, socialize with the right people and then hold your horses whacko, get married..(will you just get a match already!) and thus starts the vicious cycle of never ending decisions and dilemmas. Like someone, get them to meet the family, not sure what your match is, bat an eyelid and the count of matrimonial sites on the cloud is more than the grey hair strands you are probably beginning to get by now. 

I have come to terms that running away from decisions is just a procrastination phase bound to go wrong. It’s actually helpful to have a plan in place, know what you want and set a timeline for yourself and not because you were pushed to do so. Cool and clueless do not go hand in glove, neither does cooking and fast food.

2015 is almost down by a month and I am taking this moment to recall what all I have been looking ahead for during the year. I have always believed that the Creator has been very kind to me and has been watchful of my doings. Through Him I can always count on my instincts to guide me during the testing times and while I am pretty sure this year would be nothing less of a roller coaster ride I will be saving my decisions for the better, for when the time comes of taking one of the many grown-up decisions, I hope to take them and lead a meaningful life.

Having said all this in a parallel world I also believe that if your definition of a meaningful life relies on being successful in your career or being the activist of your society who got unwillingly pulled into settling for the monotonous crap of the earth, please do me a favour and say the F word aloud. Yes, you suck just like all the Bigg Boss episodes and I sincerely hope the aliens up there are having a good laugh at you.

Friday, December 12, 2014

You-The Cure and the Cause

The yellow sun of a lazy winter afternoon,
A hushed laughter,
The aroma of a freshly baked apple pie,
A slowly read prayer,
A half drunk glass of wine,
A childhood memory,
Rain washed green leaves,
An Oasis track on repeat,
An incomplete handwritten letter.

A cool summer breeze,
A thousand circles in a water puddle,
Moonbeams weaved of precious dreams,
The familiar and the mystery,
An unimaginable colour,
A treasure-trove of secrets,
The adrenaline to my rush,
The lullaby to my sleep,
A fairy-tale for now,

You, my muse for a lifetime...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The 13th of Beginnings

13th July 2013 was a quite a day when I took a giant leap of faith. A second chance to a life-changing decision was taken by me on this day and today as I think in retrospection about the year gone by, I could not have been more pleased with myself.

We people are weird and the moments we share with each other affect us in ways even weirder. We all want to love, communicate, share, be cared for, make life goals and aspire to reach them, travel, learn a new hobby, find our deeper purpose. In the gradual chase of the daily rat race we all like to slow down once every while and breathe in the freshness of things which actually matter, with the people who actually make a difference to our lives. I am glad that I made a decision on this very day to let myself find a route back to myself where being in love would no longer be the ruling factor but living in harmony would. Funnily I think the latter brings with itself the former and not the other way round. 

I've met a lot of people in life who I have obsessed about, I use the word obsess here because I finally know the difference in truly being there with someone than simply allowing the mind to go beyond the realms of logic and stay besotted. I can safely say I understand what really brings about that inner peace. The year gone by in the company of this very special person makes me realise how glad I am to know somebody who brings me joy, inner peace and lets me be how I am without any inhibitions. I am glad we have each other through the crazy and the nasty and are able to balance out the harmony scale without tipping it over the edge. 

Its been a completely roller coaster year for me and I don't mind doing a round 2 of it if we are in this together. This one's not for just me or you but for us.You make me happy and you know this, we are a year down today and I get a good vibe about this one :) 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Black and White.

From the water-colour palette, the present life is painted,
The mind remembers it all in black and white.
They say moments come in colours,
The mind remembers it all in black and white.
Survival is gauged in coloured liquids and pills, the ECG...
The mind remembers it all in black and white.
Letters are written in shades of red, grey and blue,
The mind remembers it all in black and white.
Music exists in VIBGYOR, the notes...
The mind remembers it all in black and white.
A scarlet love is induced,
The mind knows it now in black and white...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

One Slice Of Her Pure Life...

Blessings, Affirmative, Confirmed dates, Smiles
Shopping, Embellishment, Printed cards, Joy
Flowers, Incense, Ritual, Tradition, Prayers,Hope
Turmeric, Sandalwood, Henna, Purify, Sublime
Red, Henna, Auspicious, Bangles, Vermilion, Faith
Bells, Chants, Holy Fire, Promises, Time, Soul Unison
Me, He, She, We, Eternal, Infinite, Limitless, Endless...